
Calgary Ostomy February E-News

Calgary Ostomy February E-News

Calgary Ostomy February 2023 E-News

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, but did you know that February 12 is also a big deal this year? It is the 55th Anniversary of the Calgary Ostomy Society’s date of incorporation! We thought that would be a great reason to celebrate. Our quarterly spring meeting will take place on April 16 at the Highland Park Community Hall. We ask you to save that date for an Afternoon Tea Party as we work out the details. Volunteers will also be needed to assist with the set up, food and take down.

Were you part of the Calgary Ostomy Society back in the day? If so, we are looking for photos and stories (especially pre-90s) for our 55th Anniversary video. Please get in touch with Tiffany by March 1 if you have something to share.

This Saturday, we will have an Ostomy & J-Pouch Support Group (February 11 at 11 am). We may plan for a support meeting in March since our quarterly meeting will now be in April, but plans are still up in the air. Please stay tuned for more info.

The Calgary Ostomy Young Adults group (formerly the Gutsy Gang) is also back! Thanks to our Secretary, Pris Squibb, for stepping up as the new YA coordinator. A reunion event, Pool Party, will be held on March 4 for dinner and billiards at Bootleggers Bar & Grill.

Regina & District Ostomy Society has announced an ostomy seminar for May 13, 2023, “It’s A Good Day For An Education Day!” Calgary members are invited to attend. Registration opens in April.

Due to the late quarterly event, the Spring newsletter will also be delayed. There will also be some changes, including plans to shorten the snail mail/PDF quarterly newsletter to 8-pages. Members can also look forward to monthly news emails and social media posts. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Tax Receipts should be mailed out within the next two weeks.

Tiffany is looking for ostomy-related tips and tricks for a new social media project. If you know of any brief ideas, i.e., 1-2 sentences long, please send your contributions (including any photos or video clips) to tiffany@calgaryostomy.ca.

Questions? Please get in touch with us at hello@calgaryostomy.ca.


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