The Calgary Ostomy Young Adults Group is a support and friendship group for people ages 18 to 40’s with a bowel or bladder diversion such as an ostomy or j-pouch. This group also provides a way for those graduating from the Ostomy Canada Youth Camp to receive support as they enter a new phase of life.
We typically meet in public venues. Some of our previous events have included pub and wing nights, a board game cafe, a piano bar, a vintage arcade, and more. Some events are also family-friendly and open to Ostomy Youth Campers!
The group went on hiatus during Covid and Tiffany stepped down as the leader after turning 40 in 2021. More recently, the Calgary Ostomy Society’s Secretary, Pris Squibb, offered to step up as the new coordinator. We have lots of plans for 2023, so please visit our events page to join the next Young Adults event.
Note: The group was formerly known as the Gutsy Gang. The name was changed to the Calgary Ostomy Young Adults Group for various reasons like limiting the group to those aged 18 to 40 (ish), Google SEO, and the fact that a related organization is also using the term “Gutsy.”
We’ve Been Hanging Out In 2023!
The group typically sees people 35+ in attendance, but many members have been living with a stoma or internal pouch since a young age, even childhood. We have been around the block from dating to post-secondary to making it in the real world with our health conditions and we are here to provide our knowledge, support and friendship. Join us at our next event to connect!

Disability Tax Credit and The RDSP
You may be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit! If you are approved, you can open a Registered Disability Savings Plan. The Government of Canada and will provide grants and bonds (free $) to help you save for your retirement, which is very important as this perk is only available until age 49. Please visit the Ostomy Canada website for more information.