President’s Message June 2020
Hello Friends,
We hope that you and your family are safe and staying well during these uncertain times.
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the June 10 AGM has been cancelled. We hope to be able to meet face to face by the fall.
Although we are unable to meet because of the community risk of spreading the virus, we are still able to continue with our visiting program. We can’t go into the hospitals because of restricted access but we are still able to make phone calls to offer support. If anyone is experiencing anxiety about the world situation or are isolated and would like to talk to someone, we are pleased to offer our support. Please feel free to contact our visiting team or anyone on the executive.
Our Facebook group is interested in doing a support meeting online. We hope to have something arranged for a date in June and will publish the details when we have worked them out.
We have had to postpone the next FOWC pack until we are able to gather in bigger numbers and social distancing isn’t such a big factor. It is hard to do this event without being in direct contact with others. As soon as we have a date planned, we will let the membership know. People in 3rd world countries are still in need of product despite the pandemic.
Ostomy Canada Youth Camp has been cancelled for this season. Camp Horizon has cancelled its entire summer program season. The monies raised at the 2019 Christmas auction will be held over to sponsor kids for the 2020 camp.
Until we can meet again, please stay safe, practice social distancing, wash your hands until this awful virus is contained.
Pat Cimmeck